For me, introspection is key to growth, expansion, development and totally embracing oneself. Still, I believe maturation comes from our own experiences and those lessons we learn from those who come before us. My mother, the late Barbara A. Whitaker-Jones always told me to never say never but at some point since she transitioned I've found myself speaking exactly that.
Only after careful thought, consideration and the awakening of my soul, where the conscious and unconscious both met and collided, did it become necessary for me to create a standard to live by. This sort of growth requires the affirmative over the negatives of never.
So here I share: The Embracing Me "Bible" (so to speak), which are simple reminders of the do's and don'ts according to life lessons and experiences regarding baggage and boundaries. They have shaped my outlook and developed my character. They have helped me to live, love, laugh and especially know when its time to let go. They have taught me to embrace all the more, everything that makes me, ME...the broken places and empty spaces, the ups and downs, the love I pour and each of my downfalls and dislikes.
I pray these affirmations groom, grow and guide you as you journey on, Embracing everything that makes you, YOU!
- Trust God more than anyone or anything else
- Know that you are a gift containing many gifts - one major gift being LOVE
- Take your time, do not rush into anything or allow yourself to be led astray by impulse
- Avoid the faint whisper of another who seeks to quiet the scream of your inner voice which in turn desires peace
- Allow your brightly lit flame to shine, glow, and grow - always recognizing when other energy seeks to smother your flame
- Believe in, love and share your gifts and talents regardless of other's belief in you or envy/jealousy of you
- Dignity and self respect denotes security and a deep love for oneself - Do not compromise
- Seeking wise counsel does not make you stupid - it makes you wiser
- Remember, potential is just that - actions matter most - Do not settle
- Do not allow the idea of love, the need for companionship or constant loneliness to dictate your actions - Be happy with you
- Remain level-headed with eyes open, mind alert, heart shielded and ears in tune to your inner spirit which makes you aware of wolves in sheep's clothing
- Be open to change, growth and development but know the difference between someone trying to change you and someone aiding to your advancement
- Know you are valuable - Not someones scape goat, whipping post or dumping ground
- You are NOT a victim nor are you your circumstances so live victoriously
- Eagerly await and openly embrace life's daily lessons
- Fight for what you want - know that there is no such thing as a perfect person or perfect relationship - YOU determine the success of your partnership so work for it
- Pointing the finger never works - own your flaws
- Rid yourself of your own mental and emotional garbage - No one else can do that for you
- Know yourself well enough to set your own boundaries
Remember, baggage will blind you. Know yourself enough to know when to ask for help. This includes spiritual counseling as well as mental health counseling.
Feel free to leave a comment to contribute valuable life lessons, experiences, knowledge and uplifting affirmations for individuals as well as couples. Blessings of love
Baggage & Boundaries (Part I) - Featuring Marcell Russell
Baggage & Boundaries (Part II) - Featuring Ama Chandra
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