
Welcome to Embracing Me

Discover the Power of Your Mind, Body, and Spirit

About Me

Hi, I’m Stacie J. Whitaker-Harris—a published author, certified recovery and peer support specialist, mindfulness coach, and artist. My journey has been shaped by over 20 years of writing, storytelling, and community advocacy. From publishing essays and poems as a middle schooler to contributing to university newspapers and appearing in local news, writing has always been my passion.

As a woman of faith with a Master’s in Law (business focus) and a Bachelor’s in Nonprofit Management, I am committed to empowering others through my words, art, and coaching. In 2020, I discovered my love for painting, which began as a form of therapy and blossomed into a creative outlet, with many pieces sold and displayed in local contests. My work reflects a dedication to healing, growth, and honoring the God-given potential in all of us.

What Is *Embracing Me*?

Embracing Me is more than a blog—it's a journey of self-discovery, healing, and honoring the divine within. Here, I share my life experiences—good, bad, and transformative—to inspire and uplift. I spent years hiding my gifts and stories out of fear. But through faith, I’ve chosen to embrace who I am and share my God-given talents with the world.

From essays and poetry to coaching and peer support, my mission is to guide you toward wholeness and inspire you to live fully and freely in harmony with your mind, body, and spirit.

Join the Journey

Whether you’re looking for inspiration, seeking coaching, or simply curious about my books and art, I invite you to explore and connect. Let’s walk this path together toward healing, restoration, and empowerment.

© 2025 Stacie J. Whitaker-Harris. All rights reserved.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Faith and Increase through works

Many of us say we desire God's blessing or that we aspire to live according to God’s plan and purpose for our lives but we are not willing to totally surrender.  Even when we do surrender to God we are standoffish in allowing God to use us completely and totally for His purpose.

As we enter into 2012, I encourage you to submit your will to the perfect will of God…Be available!

PRAYER: God of love, maker of all things, it is my desire to be the earthly vessel that you have designed to fulfill the purpose for which you have created me.  I pray for strength and courage as I walk with purpose.  Use me as a light and servant to draw others to your love, healing, deliverance and kindness.  Use me to be my brother and my sisters keeper as I encourage them to live a life pleasing and acceptable according to your word by living as your word says I ought.  Lord, use me to stand in the gap for those who are burdened, lost and of a low countenance.  Use me to feed the hungry, cloth the naked, assist the elderly and to teach the children.  Use the gifts you imparted in me to stir up gifts in others.  In the process of using me, Lord, I pray to be made better, to be made whole, to remain humble and faithful that you may do the increase in my life and in the lives of others. In Jesus name, Amen

Friday, December 30, 2011

Early Rise With God on My Mind...


Welcome to a new beginning with Wednesday Morning Worship & Word

Charged to change and grow spiritually, a group of nine women came together for daily prayer commencing January 2011. After more than eighteen months of early morning prayer men from all over the country joined this group of praying women which grew from eight locals from Maryland to more than a hundred women from all over the country.  

December 5, 2012 concluded a two year prayer call that took place 7 days a week with participants from all over the USA such as; MD, DC, VA, NC, SC, GA, NJ, NY, OR, WA, FL, AZ, LA, OK, CA, DE, WI as well as many other places. People even called in from Canada and Japan. These times of praying together, fellowship, worship, studying the word and reflecting on that word led to physical, emotional, mental healing, growth to the body of Christ as well as spiritual growth and increased faith.
God is not done and neither are we.  Feel free to join us weekly via conference call, every Wednesday morning for Worship & Word.


DIAL: 605.562.3000

CODE: 223212#

Email prayer request to: stacie.jwhitaker@gmail.com

Feel free to invite others to join the call

***This is an international call -- Eastern Standard Time

Give ear to my words, O Lord,
Consider my meditation.
Give heed to the voice of my cry,
My King and my God,
For to You I will pray.
My voice You shall hear in the morning,
O Lord;
In the morning I will direct it to You,
And I will look up
Psalm 5:1-3

PRAYER:  Father God, it is I, your child.  I am desirous to sit in your presence.  I only ask that you incline your ear to hear the very heart of me at this precise moment. Here I am Lord.  Early I rise seeking your guidance.  I am in need of more of you.  Hear thy servants prayer, In Jesus name, Amen

2012 Declarations...

I decree and declare, this is the year of increased faith
I decree and declare, increased works due to increased faith
I decree and declare, this is the year of mended families
I decree and declare, this is the year of clarity
I decree and declare, this is the year of healing of the mind, body & spirit
I decree and declare, this is the year of peace
I decree and declare, this is the year of restoration of marriages
I decree and declare, this is the year of confidence
I decree and declare, this is the year of revival for communities
I decree and declare, this is the year of unity
I decree and declare, this is the year liberty from all forms of bondage
I decree and declare, this is the year we collectively serve the enemy notice
I decree and declare, this is the year we reclaim our children
I decree and declare, this is the year we TRULY walk by faith and NOT by sight
I decree and declare, this is the year of excellent stewardship
I decree and declare, this is the year of humility
I decree and declare, this is the year of intimate relationship with God
I decree and declare, churches recovered from persecution & poor leadership
I decree and declare, this is the year of Holy boldness
I decree and declare, an outpour of God’s spirit for a new era of Holy leadership
Decree and declare increase over everything in your life, BUT know this, YOU must be willing to do the work necessary for manifestation…so fast, pray, cry and then GET TO WORK!!!
PRAYER:  Most Holy & Loving God, now that mustard seed faith has developed, I seek your face for increase regarding my faith that I may be able to do those things which you have called, purposed, designed, ordained and created me to do according to your will.  Lord I pray for the courage and boldness to walk out my life with purpose and I release any and all unrest, uncertainty, fear and doubt into your hands.  Lord, speak to my heart and order our steps that I walk in faith living according to the mandates of your word.  In Jesus name, Amen


Welcome to the 2nd Year of our Monthly Meet Up
The Meet Up is an opportunity to enjoy fellowship with like-minded women and NOW men.  During our time together we pray, share and enjoy food, sustenance, music, poetry, and discuss the book of the month with topics ranging from but not limited to; being single, marriage, family, physical and mental health, sex, finances, buying a home and various other topics that impact and affect our daily living.  The objective is to provide support and encouragement through fellowship and discussion.  Being whole is the goal; Mind, Body and Spirit! 
As of June 2012 The Women's Monthly Meet Up will combine with ZOE's Ministries for the 2nd half of 2012 and will be open to men unless otherwise indicated below.  Please see below for updates to schedule, location & times. These opportunities to come together are FREE unless otherwise indicated below. 
DATE: June 23rd
TIME: 2PM - 4PM (Come early (1pm) for the breaking of bread AKA Good food)
LOCATION: 6300 Harford Rd. Baltimore, MD 21214 ~ Bethesda United Methodist
BOOK OF THE MONTH: Finding Your Glasses: Revealing & Achieving Authentic Success
– By: Justin Jones-Fosu ~ Learn more & purchase book:

Justin Jones-Fosu will facilitate our discussion as special guest author of the month -- Don't miss it!


Join us for the powerful "LifePurpose, Fulfillment Conference" featuring Dr. Allen Barham Sr., Wayne Walsh, Victoria Poller, Dr. Cecelia Bakare & Stacie J Whitaker-Harris
DATE: July 28th
LOCATION: 221 International Circle, Hunt Valley MD 21030
REGISTER: http://www.gomastertheday.com/id67.html
BOOK OF THE MONTH: Doors – By: Dr. Karen S. Bethea  
Learn more & purchase book: http://karensbetheaministries.org/

There is a fee for the LifePurpose, Fulfillment Conference. This is an opportunity you don't want to miss. Come with expectation! Sign up early ~ Seating limited

DATE: August 25th
TIME: 2PM - 4PM (Come early (1pm) for the breaking of bread AKA Good food)
LOCATION: 6300 Harford Rd. Baltimore, MD 21214 ~ Bethesda United Methodist
BOOK OF THE MONTH: Hell & Heaven at 8 ~ By: Stacie J. Whitaker-Harris

Poet, Author, Vocalist & Inspirationalist, Stacie J. Whitaker-Harris will facilitate our discussion as special guest author of the month -- Don't miss it & a treat the rest of the world awaits but you'll see first and experience first hand!

DATE: September 22nd
BOOK OF THE MONTH: Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth ~ By: T Harv Eker
Learn more & purchase book:
http://www.harveker.com/ or http://www.amazon.com/

DATE: October 27th

MOVIE NIGHT: Details Forthcoming

DATE: November 24th(This is my Birthday weekend)
MUSIC NIGHT – Celebration of Life – Details Forthcoming

DATE: December 15th
HOLIDAY CELEBRATION: A Look Back ~ Details Forthcoming
For more information or to RSVP email GodsGiftLLC@gmail.com Include the month & date(s) you plan to attend as well as the number of guest you intend to bring.

January 28th – The Dream Giver – Bruce Wilkinson
Learn more about the author:

February 25th – Excuses Be Gone – By: Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Learn more about the author:
March 24th – I’m Too Cute to Sweat – By: Charles Harris III
Learn more about author:

April 28th How I flat lined and woke up in 45 days: Guide to Empowered Living
– By: Cheryl Wood
Learn more about author:

May 26th – Black Woman Redefined – By: Sophia A. Nelson
Learn more or purchase book:

FYI: Jump-start your day with prayer, Sunday – Saturday 7am EST via conference call!
Be restored, refreshed, renewed, revived &  strengthened with this powerful call. 
Dial: 605.562.3000

PRAYER:  Most Holy & Loving God, now that mustard seed faith has developed, I seek your face for increase regarding my faith that I may be able to do those things which you have called, purposed, designed, ordained and created me to do according to your will.  Lord I pray for the courage and boldness to walk out my life with purpose and I release any and all unrest, uncertainty, fear and doubt into your hands.  Lord, speak to my heart and order my steps that I may walk in faith living according to the mandates of your word.  In Jesus name, Amen

Monday, November 28, 2011

End of the year celebration

What more could I ask for...

This year has been simply amazing!  I have loved, lost, gained new friends, my family expanded, dreams came to fruition, fears faded, faith increased, focus improved and my territory increased in ways I could not imagine it would.

The journey began with the introduction of The Embracing Me Project, starting with the 2 Embrace Me blog site in January 2011.  In February the 9th Annual "Living the Legacy of our mother" celebration yielded much fruit and healing.  March we lost one of our precious gifts, my middle sister Karen D. Jones.  April was challenging as we dealt with the prior months grief and loss while preparing for the birth of "The Whitaker Book of Poetry", a compilation of poems written by me and my family (brothers, sister and seven oldest of my mother’s grandchildren).  We did this in honor of our mother the late Barbara A. Whitaker-Jones.  In May we released "The Whitaker Book of Poetry" during our 1st Annual Family and Friends Day in conjunction with my church's (The Emmanuel Church, Bishop Durant K. Harvin III) Women's Day Celebration. June, July and August we traveled from the east to the west coast showcasing "The Whitaker Book of Poetry", book signings, book readings and workshops.  Finally for the remaining four months of the year I have been in preparation to release a second portion of The Embracing Me Project which is the first in the four book Embracing Me memoir series titled "Hell & Heaven at 8". 

Every day since January 2, 2011 I had the blessed privilege of hosting and facilitating a Women's early Morning Prayer call and sharing in monthly meet-up (fellowship) opportunities.  Sometime during the month of September the prayer call opened up and both men and women from all across the United States as well as in other countries such as Japan have called in for our time of prayer and meditation.  God has moved mightily, healing, restoring and uplifting all who share in this time of prayer.

For this final month of 2011, we will conclude our monthly fellowship as a celebration for women, men and families -- but much like the month of November, this is no ordinary celebration.  Here in December we will celebrate the birth of book I "Hell & Heaven at 8" with a private reception, book reading and book signing in my home.

 - WHEN: December 17, 2011
 - TIME:   5PM - 9PM

All other details will be emailed in a separate invitation.  If you do not have email and wish to share in this celebration please email me at GODSGIFTLLC@GMAIL.COM

May God continue to be your source, guiding light and strength as we conclude one year and EMBRACE an entirely new experience in 2012!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

NOT an ordinary monthly meet up

I'm a turkey baby -- November 24th is my Birthday and since my birthday fell on Thanksgiving this year I decided I would extend my Thanksgiving celebration into the weekend with a Day-long Open House Birthday Extravaganza.  Be prepared to enjoy breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner or after hours jazz set.
Choose a time from the schedule below and come celebrate with me. This is open to families which includes our men. (Fathers, husbands, brothers etc)
Schedule as follows:
9am – 11am – Enjoy Breakfast
11:30am – 1:30pm Enjoy Brunch (shift between breakfast & lunch)
2pm – 4pm Enjoy Lunch
5pm – 8pm Enjoy Dinner
9pm – 1am Enjoy Assorted Desserts, Coffees, Teas, Juices and Wine
The entire day will consist of a variety of foods.  Menu will not be disclosed in advance…come knowing you are in for a real treat!
This day of celebration is open to women, men, boys and girls – essentially FAMILY & FRIENDS (except the afterhours 9pm – 1am portion of the celebration - no children allowed)

For those interested in bringing gifts please consider bringing desserts, juice, soda or wine.  Other than that, YOU are my gift. 
It's just around the corner and I apologize if you have not received your invitation or if I inadvertently left you off the guest list but as you can imagine...I LOVE SOOOO many...that's everybody including YOU!
For more information email me: stacie.jharris@yahoo.com

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I am the tree

Jeremiah 17:8 – For he shall be as a tree planted by the waters, that spreadeth out its roots by the river, and shall not fear when heat cometh, but its leaf shall be green; and shall not be careful in the year of drought, neither shall close from yielding fruit.

Psalm 1:3 reads it this way – And he shall be like a tree planted by the streams of water, that bringeth forth its fruit in its season.  Whose leaf also doth not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.

Have you ever taken a moment, I mean a real opportunity to stare at, to study, to mull over the design, structure, stature, shape and size, colors and strength of tress.  If you studied them you will notice no matter the season they are always in the same upright position.  I believe we could stand to learn a lesson from the trees today and always.

No matter how hard the winds blow, some trees bend but they keep their branches (I like to call them arms), they keep their branches in one of the most vulnerable positions – raised, giving honor and reverence to the Creator of all.  They always provide the example of how we ought stand – in submission, humbled before God.  Jeremiah says the trees stand, unafraid of heat when it comes — the trees remain upright and resolute with no care for the season of drought.  And Psalms says it brings forth fruit in ITS season, its leaves do NOT wither and all that the tree does prospers. 

Here is how I see us as trees and I pray that every eye that reads this post also visualizes and sees themselves as trees:

No matter the season, winter, spring, summer or fall, the tree is fixed and unyielding.  The tree remains humble, faithful and submitted always giving God His just do—Reverence.  The wind blows, torrential rains pour, ice, sleet snow, the branches may even grow heavy and weak but it is assured that the season will change.  The tree is assured the sun will shine again.  Leaves blow off at one time of year but still the tree remains unmovable – it is grounded and does not fear its loss because of certainty that it will again prosper and grow.  Again it bends but it does not break and always stands again honoring God.

So I say to you today, be the tree.  Stay grounded and rooted in God, with the spirit of God, in the word of God with your arms raised in submission giving reverence to the Lord of the Heavens and earth remembering that in YOUR SEASON you shall prosper – you shall bear fruit.  You will shed and lose something’s but there is much to gain in being like the tree:
-         Grounded & Rooted
-         Raised arms Worshipping
-         Prosperous bearing fruit
Notice this; it’s rare to see a tree uprooted right?  When it is unearthed, that happens as a result of the roots getting weak – NOT being grounded/stable.  But for the trees that are rooted and are not afraid to bend (be flexible) with each change in seasons, they always rise again more vibrant than before, unwavering.
So again I say stay rooted in your faith.  Remain steadfast in your trust and hope in the miraculous wonders of God.  Stand your ground.  Don’t be afraid when the enemy comes knocking.  God always shields and protects His trees so yield to the move of God.  Be flexible, humble and submitted knowing that in YOUR season you will bear fruit again.  Say, “I am the tree”.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Reflection of the Morning

Here we are on the 14th day of the eleventh month.  Five days ago we celebrated my baby brothers 33rd birthday.  In three days my oldest daughter will be 19 and in seven days my baby, my cousin Derek, will celebrate another year of life.  Eight days from now my baby sister will turn 32, while I am just ten days away from my 36th birthday.  My how time flies!

With the hustle and bustle of everyday life it’s easy to get so wrapped up in monotonous routines that we miss just plain old living.  This morning’s meditation given by Makini Henson came from Ecclesiastes 8:15 during our 7am prayer call which said that we should take time to eat, drink and be merry!  In other words, enjoy the air you breath – actually think about the breath – feel it – immerse yourself in the breath as it engages with your soul.  Go out and enjoy the earths beautiful landscape with all its vibrant colors and the array of shapes and sizes.  Smile just as much on the inside as you do on the outside allowing your body to accept and let loose your inner child.  Run, jump and skip.  Play ring-around-the-rosey or duck, duck goose.  Go dancing, skating or grab your hoola-hoop.  When you eat, don't inhale your food as you are accustomed to doing – as most of us eat but never take time to savor every flavorful bite.  Do not gulp your water, apple juice or soda but take slow sips allowing your tongue to absorb the liquids particle by particle.

Whether you sit still, go for a walk, play video games or read your favorite book, just for a moment do it not as ritual or task but see the beauty and satisfaction in it.  Make time to enjoy absolutely nothing sometimes and everything at the same time.  It’s the smallest things that we miss when we are always rushing about to and from as time escapes us!  Life is for the living so enjoy every moment and all the things within it with deep robust, hearty laughter bringing you to a place of sheer fulfillment and contentment!

Happy Monday!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Thankful for Life...

Since January of this year we embraced monthly fellowship with like-minded women, enjoyed great food and open discussion on topics ranging from but not limited to; being single, marriage, family, love, sex, domestic violence and various other topics that impact our lives daily. 
Although the snow impeded our ability to meet for the month of October, NOTHING will keep my doors shut for our gathering set for November 26, 2011, as this month we celebrate 36 years of life for yours truly. 
I'm a turkey baby -- November 24th is my Birthday and since my birthday fell on Thanksgiving this year I decided I would extend my Thanksgiving celebration into the weekend with a Day-long Open House Birthday Extravaganza.  Be prepared to enjoy breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner or after hours jazz set.
Choose a time from the schedule below and come celebrate with me. This is open to families which includes our men. (Fathers, husbands, brothers etc.)
Schedule as follows:
9am – 11am – Enjoy Breakfast
11:30am – 1:30pm Enjoy Brunch (shift between breakfast & lunch)
2pm – 4pm Enjoy Lunch
5pm – 8pm Enjoy Dinner
9pm – 1am Enjoy Assorted Desserts, Coffees, Teas, Juices and Wine
The entire day will consist of a variety of foods.  Menu will not be disclosed in advance…come knowing you are in for a real treat!
This day of celebration is open to women, men, boys and girls – essentially FAMILY & FRIENDS (except the afterhours 9pm – 1am portion of the celebration - no children allowed)

For those interested in bringing gifts please consider bringing desserts, juice, soda or wine.  Other than that, YOU are my gift.

Dec 17th – Final Meet Up of 2011/End of the year celebration

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Women's Meet Up for October

Women's Monthly Meet Up is an opportunity to enjoy fellowship with like-minded women.  You can expect to enjoy lite-fare and open discussion on topics ranging from but not limited to; being single, dating, marriage, family, love, sex, domestic violence, abortion, politics, finances, submitting our will to God, buying a home and various other topics that impact and affect us on a daily basis.  The objective is to provide support and encouragement through fellowship and discussion.  Prayer always available

Being whole is the goal...Mind, Body and Spirit! 
Join us for the next "Women's Meet Up":
Saturday, October 29, 2011, 5pm - 7pm
THERE IS NO BOOK FOR THIS MONTH RSVP by Thursday, October 27, 2011 to:  stacie.jharris@yahoo.com  See you there!
Be amongst the first ten Women to arrive and receive special gift!!!

See below for "Women's Monthly Meet Up" schedule

Meeting Date             Book of the Month                      Author
Oct 29th - MOVIE: "Stoning of Soraya"
Conversation facilitated by Visionary for God, Ms. Shanelle Gayden

Nov 26th - MUSIC: A Cool Jazz like setting
(This is my Birthday weekend - I'm a turkey baby Nov 24th)
Enjoy an all-day open house with the guest of honor, Stacie J. Whitaker-Harris
Schedule as follows:
9am – 11am – Enjoy Breakfast
11:30am – 1:30pm Enjoy Brunch (the shift between breakfast and lunch)
2pm – 4pm Enjoy Lunch
5pm – 8pm Enjoy Dinner
9pm – 1am Enjoy Assorted Desserts, Coffees, Teas, Juices and Wine
The entire day will consist of a variety of foods.  Menu will not be disclosed in advance…come knowing you are in for a real treat!
This day of celebration is open to women, men, boys and girls – essentially FAMILY & FRIENDS (except the afterhours 9pm – 1am portion of the celebration)
My favorite part will be the expressions on YOUR faces as I share an incredibly special gift that no one else will have. 

Dec 17th - End of the year celebration
(Gift Receiving - Surprise gifts to all attendees)
Jan 29th - The Dream Giver - By Bruce Wilkinson

February 26th - The 5 Love Languages - By Gary Chapman
Book on sale NOW at Lifeway Christian Bookstore in White Marsh
http://www.lifewaystores.com/  ($9.99)

March 19th - Two Weeks Before the Rest of My Life
- By Harold T. Fisher (Author graced us with his presence)
Learn more about author at http://www.rosefogg.com/

April 28th - Inspiration for Life
- By Justin Jones-Fosu
Learn more about author at  http://www.justininspires.com/

May 28th - Verse in Motion
- By Renee Jean  (Author joined us via Skype)
Learn more about author at  http://www.verseinmotion.com/
June 25th - The Lady, Her Lover and Her Lord - By Bishop TD Jakes

July 30th - Journey to the Well - By Bishop Vashti McKenzie

August 27th - Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome By Dr. Joy Leary
September 24th – The Audacity to Hope By President Barak Obama

Be well and we look forward to hearing you on the prayer call and seeing you during the monthly meet up.  Feel free to invite others to join the conference call and monthly meet ups
Also, join us Sunday – Saturday 7am for our Women’s prayer via conference call. 
Be restored, healed, refreshed, delivered, renewed, set free, revived and strengthened with this 15 minute power-packed prayer call.  Dial in at 605.562.3000 code 223212#. 

Thought of Today

Typically you would expect me to come with some rhythmic, thematic poem, a melodic song or a bible verse that somehow relates to my life but today I simply share what’s in my heart and on my mind. 
It may or may not make sense.  I t may or may not inspire.  It may or may not rhyme but today I simply share my voice in a deeply connected disconnected, functionally dysfunctional transparent and a most ironically sincere way.
The last four years of my life have yielded reflections of agony, torment, un-forgiveness, bitterness, loneliness and lowliness.  I’ve worn a smile to cover some of my deepest issues and pains.  I tried loving myself more and often finding that my actions were no reflection of what I thought.  I tried to hide my outward appearance because for too long, far too many others judged the pages never reading the content…they simply made inferences based on the cover.
There was a period in time when I decided to be someone else or maybe there were several periods where I concealed my identity with anger, make-up, smiles, glittery jewels, business suits, loving others more than myself and trying way too hard to please way to many people.  As I write these words I am literally having a flashback to the days before I married my now ex-husband.  Who was I to love him more than I loved myself?  Who was I to allow him to project his thoughts and feelings on me?  Who was I to try and get him to love me for me?  Why did I work so hard to please him?
Honestly, I was an insecure, easily guided and certainly misguided young woman who lacked confidence and an understanding of self.  As I walked outside today, I learned that the more I learn the more I realize I still have so much to learn.  Why rush growing up when really in essence you are growing up all your life.  Why try to fall in love when love is always in the atmosphere waiting to infect a heart or two.  Why be so eager to solve someone else’s issues when you have yet to grasp your own?
So today, Stacie told Stacie:
1.       Live up to your own expectations
2.      Be kind, not because you are forced to but because much like love, kindness flows through the air waiting to infect
3.      Love yourself with a deep, passionate, conviction that out last the love of another; for when you master this love, true love will meet you in the air, infecting every area of your being
4.      Open your mind to something new day by day, moment by moment
And these are my thoughts for this day…
“Only in love are unity and duality not in conflict”
– Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941); poet, playwright, essayist

Monday, September 19, 2011


“I Refuse”
By: Stacie J. Whitaker-Harris

I refuse to be anything other than what the Father says I am
I refuse to be consumed by anger
I refuse to allow my pride to reduce my ability to live
I refuse to be controlled by the words of others
I refuse to allow self-doubt to keep me from daily progression
I refuse to be a victim of circumstance
I refuse to grow bitter or envious, hateful or spiteful
I refuse to suppress my will to live
I refuse to fall into traps that lead back to bound roads
I refuse to regret the life I live
I refuse even more to regret the life I’ve LIVED
I refuse to be crushed by broken promises
I refuse to exist as a sexual object, a toy, a Barbie doll without a brain, no sense and lacking pride
I refuse to live a life without color
I refuse to grow into an unimaginative zombie numb to the cruel people in the beautiful world whose sole purpose is to seek and destroy my soul
What I refuse may not be what you refuse
But I refuse to be devalued and deduced to substandard living because some refuse nothing when others refuse everything
I refuse to live my life void…for I AM purpose and that I cannot refuse

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Women's Monthly Meet Up for September

Women's Monthly Meet Up is an opportunity to enjoy fellowship with like-minded women.  During the "Meet Up", we pray, discuss the book of the month, enjoy lite fare and open discussion on topics ranging from but not limited to; being single, dating, marriage, family, love, sex, domestic violence, abortion, politics, finances, submitting our will to God, buying a home and various other topics that impact and affect us on a daily basis.  The objective is to provide support and encouragement through fellowship and discussion.

Being whole is the goal...Mind, Body and Spirit! 
Join us for the next "Women's Meet Up":
Saturday, September 24, 2011, 5pm - 7pm.

Be amongst the first nine Women to arrive and receive special gift!!!
Book of the Month: "The Audacity of Hope" By President Barack Obama
Come ready to do something we have not done before!!!
RSVP by Thursday, Sept 22, 2011 to:  stacie.jharris@yahoo.com  See you there!

See below for "Women's Monthly Meet Up" schedule

Meeting Date             Book of the Month                      Author
Sept 24th - The Audacity of Hope - By President Barack H. Obama

Click Here to Purchase

Oct 29th - MOVIE: "Stoning of Soraya"
Conversation facilitated by Visionary for God, Ms. Shanelle Gayden

Nov 26th - MUSIC: A Cool Jazz like setting – Details Coming Soon
(This is my Birthday weekend - I'm a turkey baby Nov 24th)

Dec 17th - End of the year celebration
(Gift Receiving - Surprise gifts to all attendees)

Jan 29th - The Dream Giver - By Bruce Wilkinson

February 26th - The 5 Love Languages - By Gary Chapman
Book on sale NOW at Lifeway Christian Bookstore in White Marsh
http://www.lifewaystores.com/  ($9.99)

March 19th - Two Weeks Before the Rest of My Life
- By Harold T. Fisher (Author graced us with his presence)
Learn more about author at http://www.rosefogg.com/

April 28th - Inspiration for Life
- By Justin Jones-Fosu
Learn more about author at  http://www.justininspires.com/

May 28th - Verse in Motion
- By Renee Jean  (Author joined us via skype)
Learn more about author at  http://www.verseinmotion.com/
June 25th - The Lady, Her Lover and Her Lord - By Bishop TD Jakes

July 30th - Journey to the Well - By Bishop Vashti McKenzie

August 27th - Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome By Dr. Joy Leary

Also, join us Sunday – Saturday 7am for our Women’s prayer via conference call. 
Be restored, healed, refreshed, delivered, renewed, set free, revived and strengthened with this 15 minute power-packed prayer call.  Dial in at 605.562.3000 code 223212#. 

Be well and we look forward to hearing you on the prayer call and seeing you during the monthly meet up.  Feel free to invite others to join the conference call and monthly meet ups.

Write Your Own One Woman Show

Keisha Rivers-Shorty of the KARS Consulting Group interviews me, Stacie J. Whitaker-Harris regarding the many hats we wear as Woman.  Click the link below for tips to assist with balancing your life, be it personal or professional, that you may improve mind, body and spirit.

Write Your Own One Woman Show


Friday, September 2, 2011

Reflection of the Greatest Gift

REFLECTION: Now that we've crept into the ninth month of the year I find myself reflecting yet again; where is my heart, what thoughts have I allowed to enter my mind, am I living, have I grown, what are my plans, have I kept my word to myself, my children, my family, to God, what have I accomplished, what have I learned and over all, what can I do differently to improve?  These are many of the questions that linger in my heart and mind.
The answers are both simple and complex; God has been the center and foundation of my heart, my thoughts, my mind, my living, and my plans.  He has done the increase and is the author and commander of my dreams and goals; for vision comes from Him.  All in all, I learned to trust God more, to grow in Him through His word by studying daily, resting daily in Him, quieting the voices in my head that I may hear the true and authentic voice. 
God is my guide.  He is my source and what I do to improve is to STAY IN THE SECRET PLACE!  So if you want my attention, if you want my time, if you want to hear words, if you question where I am or where I am going, know this; I am in the secret place and the only way to get to me is to come IN to that same place.  May you find your secret place…your ultimate resting place in God!
The Greatest Gift 
Rest in the Secret Place
Poem Written by Stacie J. Whitaker-Harris,
Inspired and Authored by God
Shield of shields, Light of light,
Oil of oil, Giver of gifts,
Love from love, Peace from peace,
Sleep from sleep, Awaken spirit,
Surely there is Depth in depth,
Matter from matter, Dirt from dirt,
Creations of creation, Piece by piece,
Seeking rest from rest; Here in the secret place,
My secret resting place; Strength is here,
Love, Hope, Peace, Joy; Increase resides here,
Increase in wisdom, knowledge and understanding,
Secret, no secret; Open to embrace all who seek
Here, In the secret place is all one desires

Friday, August 26, 2011

I Don't Want Anything FAKE!!!

 “I Don’t Want Anything Fake”
Now and days it’s easy to get caught up in all the fluff and hype of the media.  They feed us what they want us to believe but ultimately it’s up to us to decipher the real from the fake. 
We have manipulators who scheme to acquire money from those whom they swindle.  The poor swindled work harder, striving to build riches and wealth but lack knowledge and thus continue the cycle of being deceived by the swindler. 
Teachers teach only what they’ve been taught and NOT what they know for sure.  Many share facts which are really opinions.
People are caught up in making themselves appear to be more than they are with fake hair, false teeth, fake eyelashes, people are even going as far as getting fake breast, calf and butt implants.  Some use skin lighteners while others use tanning beds.  Some add chemicals to straighten hair while others add chemicals to make hair curly. 
Are we that shallow, gullible, arrogant or just plain ignorant?
The truth is they have not been awakened to the natural beauty of who they are and how God created them uniquely as IS (wonderful and beautiful)...AS IS with access to all they need to live with the truest of realities. 
When I read Proverbs 1:2-7, I learn that to know wisdom and instruction is the beginning of knowledge.  So when I hear all these things in the world trying to dissuade me of who I am…aiming to persuade me to hate myself in essence I understand I am essentially being taught to hate God.
I don’t want anything fake to keep me from the knowledge and wisdom of God which is in me.  No embellished physical changes, false teachings, government, money, fear, tradition or bondage of any sort will keep me from THE REAL!!!
Study and KNOW THE TRUTH...Using every tool available to you