Release comes before Rest and Relief follows Rest
Matthew 11:28 - King James Bible:
Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.
We closed the year 2011 powerfully with messages discussing faith & increase and learned that we can no longer operate from mustard seed faith. In fact, we learned in Romans 4:17-24 that we ought to live with an Abraham faith. If you missed it, Abraham believed God so much so that His faith increased JUST at the sound of hearing Gods voice speak promise. The word said Abraham trusted God at His word to do just what He said although Abraham had no clue how God was going to make dead parts (old age body parts) function or work properly in order to get the outcome God spoke.
I know this may be familiar for some of us but I'm sharing this particular passage of scripture as a reminder that faith is essential to getting to Gods desired outcome for our lives. In fact, the word tells us that without faith, it is impossible to please God. Ok, so now that takes us to our point.
Now that we have grown in faith, now that we understand, TRULY understand that faith is NOT seeing first and then believing but its believing even when we can't see. Now that we have released our uncertainty which means we've given up on our old friend disbelief and decided AND agreed to live with a spirit of expectation. We've released our mustard seed faith back into the ground that God may be able to increase what we have, growing our faith that we may walk, live, eat, drink and BE promise.
According to Webster's online dictionary there are multiple meanings of the word RELEASE. I will share a few here and charge you to look it up for yourself:
Ø To be free from confinement, bondage, obligation, pain, or to let go as in to release a prisoner or to release someone from a debt
Ø To free from anything that restrains
Ø To allow to be known, issued, done, or exhibited: to release an article for publication
---I like this one because it says, I serve the devil written notice that I'm done with little faith...I make known to satan, demonic forces and everyone entering my space that I am now released to exhibit, to be on display, to show off the workings of this new faith
Ø To give up, relinquish, or surrender – the surrender of a right or the like to another
--- This again is where we do the exchange with God. He gives us the right to life and all that is within His perfect will, we release our faith, surrender all He promised back to Him and He then releases what's necessary for us to take the next step...growth is constant exchange between us and God.
Ø Remission, as of a debt, tax, or tribute
--- All I'm going to say here is Christ paid it all!!!
Ø A control mechanism for starting or stopping a machine, esp. by removing some restrictive apparatus.
Ø The opening of an exhaust port or valve at or near the working stroke of an engine so that the working fluid can be exhausted on the return stroke.
What are your restrictive apparatuses? In other words the definition is saying what keeps me (you) from being filled with faith. What blocks our ability to walk and live according to our faith is now removed. This is where we open and pour out – igniting something (activating faith) so that what's in us will work together for a specific outcome. Release is to be open!!!
Well I took a glimpse back at 2011 and now look forward to 2012 and because I KNOW that Gods manifested promises are upon you and I as individuals and us as one collective body for 2012 here's what this means...
We now know for certain we've been released to walk free from bondage and guilt. We are free from the confinements of pains, doubts and insecurities...Because we KNOW there are NO restrictive passage ways, the restraints on our faith can no longer suppress Gods manifested promise. We give up on unbelief. We surrender to God everything that we are and all within us that HE may do the increase. There's no more emotional strain because WE ARE released AND FREE!!!
I like the definition that says to release is a grant of permission, as to publish or use...Now that we've been freed, now that we've released and been released, we NOW get to use what we gave (released) to God.
Don't you know that what we release to Him He also grants permission for us to use what's released for our good, for His benefits FOR US?
What do you do once your faith has been increased...well, NOW Gods going to test it, try it that you and I may use it and prove that just a little faith can turn into much and be USED for a great work. And we know this because the definitions continue by saying that what we gave to God is the releasing of something for publication, God expects performance, and He expects us to use it!
So we come to the place where we glory in the presence of the Lord, trusting Him with our new Abraham faith. We trust God enough to rest in Him. The word says come all ye that labor and I WILL give you rest. So release YOU to HIM, the true and living God then rest in His arms while He works in, through and even on you because following rest comes relief.
Let's be clear and get clear that we can't release and not expect rest and rest but not expect relief.
According to Webster's online dictionary relief is: alleviation, ease, or deliverance through the removal of pain, distress, oppression, a means or thing that relieves pain, distress, anxiety, etc. Rest does this. Relief is money, food, or other help given to those in poverty or need.
Isn't it amazing that when we release our faith and rest in God He gives us a much needed break from worry and anxiety AND He takes care of all our needs? He makes provision. There is not only the comfort of being held by the Master but also relief to receive that which we can NOT do for ourselves. In our weakness HE is made strong! Releasing and resting is us giving God permission to step in, be ruler over everything concerning us, receiving all He desires for us.
Isn't that promise manifested???
The definitions continue saying relief is something affording a pleasing change, as from monotony.
So no more mediocrity---just getting by with mustard seed but we welcome the challenge of doing something different and being changed in the process.
Relief is also release from a post of duty, as by the arrival of a substitute or replacement. Did you hear this? Where we were we can no longer be. We tried being in control but we no longer have to wear Gods hat. We learned last year that we couldn't fix a bunch of things anyway so why worry. Which simple says relieve yourself from doing Gods job ---do an exchange, trade places --- get out of His seat --- stand down and let God resume His post, you know, HIS position
And I love the definition which says relief is a distinct or abrupt change in mood, scene, action, etc., resulting in a reduction of intensity. Which takes us back to our focus scripture: Matthew 11:28
Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.
We ALL have to work and do you know that to release is also to work because it is an action, you literally have to do something and we all know doing can be exhaustive which is why we rest in God, expecting relief from our labor! Although, it does not mean we don't work at all but we work with less pressure and not as pilot but as the plane – the vessel being operated by the pilot – the pilot being God.
May you release, rest and receive relief that Gods purpose be fulfilled in your life and you walk, entering into the promise, possessing lands flowing with milk and honey!
Faith and increase! Trust God!
PRAYER: My Father and strong God, I pray peace among the nations that we release our will, desires, dreams, focus, anxiety – EVERYTHING we are and all we hope to be into your hands that you provide us with rest and every tool necessary to run the race, not grow weary in the process, trusting you to increase us in every way. We thank you in advance for fulfilling the purpose and plan for our lives. We glory in your presence with a spirit of great expectation. In Jesus Name, Amen
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