
Welcome to Embracing Me

Discover the Power of Your Mind, Body, and Spirit

About Me

Hi, I’m Stacie J. Whitaker-Harris—a published author, certified recovery and peer support specialist, mindfulness coach, and artist. My journey has been shaped by over 20 years of writing, storytelling, and community advocacy. From publishing essays and poems as a middle schooler to contributing to university newspapers and appearing in local news, writing has always been my passion.

As a woman of faith with a Master’s in Law (business focus) and a Bachelor’s in Nonprofit Management, I am committed to empowering others through my words, art, and coaching. In 2020, I discovered my love for painting, which began as a form of therapy and blossomed into a creative outlet, with many pieces sold and displayed in local contests. My work reflects a dedication to healing, growth, and honoring the God-given potential in all of us.

What Is *Embracing Me*?

Embracing Me is more than a blog—it's a journey of self-discovery, healing, and honoring the divine within. Here, I share my life experiences—good, bad, and transformative—to inspire and uplift. I spent years hiding my gifts and stories out of fear. But through faith, I’ve chosen to embrace who I am and share my God-given talents with the world.

From essays and poetry to coaching and peer support, my mission is to guide you toward wholeness and inspire you to live fully and freely in harmony with your mind, body, and spirit.

Join the Journey

Whether you’re looking for inspiration, seeking coaching, or simply curious about my books and art, I invite you to explore and connect. Let’s walk this path together toward healing, restoration, and empowerment.

© 2025 Stacie J. Whitaker-Harris. All rights reserved.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Quitting Church

Sometimes I just want to quit church!

Why you might ask?

Well, because I don't necessarily see "the church" or "church folk" doing what Gods word mandates. See, some people have become so "holy" that they need body guards.  They have become so "important" that they don't feel they need to listen to the one whom they considers to be the pion...you know, the one "less than them"...the one with little to no anointing according to those who have been "DOING" church so long that they know every demon, every spirit and are always right!

(You stubborn people! You have not given your hearts to God, nor will you listen to him! You are always against what the Holy Spirit is trying to tell you, just as your ancestors were.  Your ancestors tried to hurt EVERY prophet who ever lived...You received the law of Moses, which God gave you through his angels, but you haven't obeyed it. Acts 7:51-53)

Sometimes I just want to quit church!


Is it not obvious? When is the last time you have gone into the church, watched everyone bring what they have into the church later having the apostles, bishops, pastors, preachers, teachers, elders and so on turn and distribute to those in need.  Now I am not saying its not being done but it is not being done openly and NOT the way the word says we ought do it. First of all, who ask the people if they have needs?  We are so consumed with paying for a building that we forget that our mandate as the church is to take care of the needs of one another!

(All the believers were together and shared everything.  They would sell their land and the things they owned and then divide the money and give it to anyone who needed it.  The believers met together in the Temple everyday. They ate together in their homes, happy to share their food with joyful hearts. Acts 2:44-46)

(But the Most High does not live in houses that people build with their hands. As the prophet says: Heaven is my throne and the earth is my footstool.  So do you think you can build a house for me? says the Lord.  Do I need a place to rest? Remember, my hand made all these things! Acts 7:48-50)

Sometimes I just want to quit church!

You don't have to ask why again, I will volunteer my reasoning.  The church is a place of worship yet we come into the church with so much protocol that we forget to allow God to simply move by His power.  We invite God in and then shut Him out.  We shout out in loud voices and yet whisper about the person on the row in front of us who is jumping up and down praising God in a loud boisterous voice.  We hold grudges and talk about one another with one tongue and then turn with the same lips in the next breath and say we love God.   

Do you know Stephen was lied on and accused of speaking ill of Moses and against God. They could not find any wrong with him so some "religious folk" conjured up stories against this blessed man of God but he kept his countenance and allowed the holy spirit to speak strong wise words to his accuser's. After which they still decided to kill Stephen, the one sent to be a blessing to them. Still Stephen cried out to God asking Him to forgive his accuser's as they stoned him to death. And then the religious folk buried him.

I encourage you to check me at my word read Acts 6:8-15 & Acts 7 entirely

You know, I love David because no matter what flaws he had, he loved even the one who tried to kill him.  David, even protected the one who tried to kill him.  David, forgave the one who tried to kill him.  David was a faithful servant. David was courageous.  David was humble. But most importantly, David always turned to God, submitting himself, bowing down to the great I AM never considering himself greater than God.  David admitted when he was wrong and prayed for forgiveness. David was a man of honor and strength.  He had great skill, ability and intellect but he relied on God!

Peter was a man of great commitment, passion and determination to serve the true and living God.  He would not bow down no matter what! He would not stop speaking Gods truth even when he was threatened to be whipped, jailed or killed. 


Paul said this: "I don't care about my own life.  The most important thing is that I complete my mission, the work the Lord Jesus gave me - to tell people the Good News about God's grace..."

He goes on to say, "Be careful for yourselves and for all the people the Holy Spirit has given to you to oversee.  You must be like shepherds to the church of God which he bought with the death of his own Son.  I know that after I leave, some people will come like wild wolves and try to destroy the flock.  Also some from YOUR OWN GROUP will rise up and twist the truth and will lead away followers after them. So be careful! 

Always remember that for three years, day and night, I never stopped warning each of you, and I often cried over you.  Now I am putting you in the care of God and the message about his grace.  It is able to give you strength, and it will give you the blessings God has for all his holy people" Acts 20: 24-32

Father God in heaven, maker of all things, center of my heart, head of my life, foundation of all I know and believe, help me to walk upright as your servant.  Cleanse me that I NOT become wrapped up in religion, protocol and what makes "men" comfortable or satisfied but Lord, grant me the wisdom to walk according to the mandate of Your word that it may manifest all that you have promised.  I desire to function and operate as Your humble servant, with a holy boldness, remaining unafraid.  I desire to love unconditionally as You do. Lord, help me to forgive and forgive me for anything I have said or done that displeased your heart. Lead me, guide me, protect and keep me, in Jesus name I pray, Amen.  


  1. I try not 2 get caught up in the behavior of the church folk...I'm there 2 receive the word so that I can live a prosperious life...when u get caught up n the acts of others it will turn u away ...and thats what the devil wants ..he is the author of confusion..

  2. Blessings and love to all who read this post. With so many responding to me personally, sending emails to encourage me I would like to for you to understand that I write what is in my spirit not necessarily what's in my heart. I say things that have happened to me or things that the spirit tells me is going on with others. The important thing to see or pull from the message is the closing which says: (in part)

    I JUST WANT TO QUIT CHURCH AND SIMPLY DO THE WORK OF MY FATHER!!! Paul said this: "I don't care about my own life. The most important thing is that I complete my mission, the work the Lord Jesus gave me - to tell people the Good News about God's grace..."

    God's peace & blessings be with you all!

    Loving you as Christ loved the church

  3. Check out www.whymostblackchurches.com for my book "why most black churches fail most black men" by Nicholas Carl Moore.

  4. Stacie, pls check out my blog at:

