
Embracing Me is an opportunity for us to connect with ourselves...learning to embrace the God within. The post that I share with you are very real. The experiences of my life (whether good, bad or indifferent) sought to develop me into a Woman who honors the God that dwells inside of me.

For over 10 years I fought against sharing my life's experiences with the world but I also neglected to fully share my gifts. You may ask why I denied myself to live and the answer is fear! After relinquishing the fear of my own thoughts as well as the thoughts of others I have decided to do and be all that God has ordained. He chose me to share my testimonies through songs, poetry, short stories and encouraging words.

I invite you to travel with me as I journey into yet another fearful place, seeking to please the Father while providing healing, restoration and inspiration as chosen. It is my hope that these words will improve your daily living.

My charge to you: Think Well. Do Well. Speak Well. Be Well. Live Well.

"For as the rain and snow come down from the heavens, and return not there again, but water the earth and make it bring forth and sprout, that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater, So shall My word be that goes forth out of My mouth: it shall not return to Me void but it shall accomplish that which I please and purpose, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it." - Isaiah 55:10-11

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Running Slowly

As I reflect over the course of the last year, the last few months, and especially over the last few days; I am at peace with my overall development. In almost 40 years and throughout the course of my life's journey I learned NOTHING is at it appears. I am humbled and honored that God trust me enough to grant me longer life, deeper, more passionate purpose to fulfill.

During the past year, my faith was challenged and I learned that mustard seed faith grows faith and requires greater faith in both God and the God within self. I woke up to what keeps me motivated, positive, and strong and released what paralyzes, demobilizes, and stifles my God-given talent, abilities, gifts and focus.

In all these things, the most important thing I learned is that baby steps matter! Movement is still movement even if it's slow. So, I am running slowly - or as some may say: "I am learning to run the race at a slower pace with crisp, clear, concise vision on not only the end result (outcome) but with intense passion for the purpose in which I began running!"

As I continue to Embrace Me, knowing every step matters, I encourage you to RUN, but do it slowly. Be Bold! Be Consistent! Be Brave! Be Energetic! Be Resilient!

Be ALIVE in every moment of your life, embracing every outcome!
May you run and not grow weary
May you run and not faint
May you run and keep pace
May you run and win because you simply stayed the course

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